VIVOTEK’s ND9441P and ND9541P are H.265 Linux-based standalone NVRs with embedded PoE. Equipped for up to 16-CH/32-CH network cameras, the NVRs both support 16x 802.3 at/af PoE ports which feature PoE Management function to help users troubleshoot the physical layer structure. Both also display the PoE power information, providing for a more convenient and smarter installation.
The ND9441P/ND9541P also supports remote and mobile access via VIVOCloud and iViewer apps for both iOS and Android handheld devices. The VIVOCloud app provides instant push notification and direct video playback functions when triggered by an alarm notification, providing users with a flexible and intelligent NVR for seamless use in small to medium sized video surveillance applications.
With H.265 compression technology and embedded with 4 HDD’s providing up to 32TB, the ND9441P/ND9541P offers greater than 30% more recording capacity than H.264 systems. This advancement provides users with more storage space for longer durations of video recording. In addition, the RAID 0/1/5 configurations provide further data security in the rare event of a hard drive failure.
For high-quality and detailed images, the ND9441P/ND9541P supports a maximum network camera resolution of 12 Megapixels. To intelligently manage bandwidth while maintaining this high-quality, the “Auto Adaptive Stream” function will adjust the display resolution automatically for each different layout type.
Furthermore, the NVR supports VIVOTEK’s fisheye network camera “Fisheye Dewarp” function, which provides multiple de-warping modes in live view and playback, ensuring the correct angle of video view and detailed information for flexible usage. Lastly, to quickly and intuitively find any target event, the ND9441P/ND9541P is equipped with the “Story-Board Search” function, which provides a glimpse of past recordings over an intuitive timeline.
The ND9441P/ND9541P supports HDMI and VGA local video output, so users can control the GUI OSD interface via mouse & keyboard, eliminating the need for a separate PC to search video or playback from the NVR. Additionally, the intuitive and friendly VIVOTEK GUI design gives users a smoother control experience than ever before.
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