VIVOTEK FD9187-H is indoor dome network IP camera equipped with a full HD sensor enabling resolution of 2560 x 1944 at 30 fps. And FD9187-H also supports standard 1920x1080 resolution at 60 frames per second. Featuring VIVOTEK SNV and WDR Pro technology, FD9187-H is capable of capturing high quality image whether in high contrast or low light environment.
The IP camera model FD9187-H offers fixed lens for different user scenario. IR illuminators are equipped with 30 meter effective range for better night visibility. For indoor applications, PIR sensor is built-in to detect unexpected events.
Employing VIVOTEK's Smart Stream III technology and H.265 codec support, the FD9187-H reduces bandwidth up to 90%* while keeping great image quality. Additionally, VIVOTEK VADP (VIVOTEK Application Development Platform) allows users to add customized application for various application and user scenarios.
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