VIVOTEK’s IP9191-HT is a professional H.265 box network camera providing true 3840x2160 resolution at 30 fps. With ultra HD resolution, 30 frames per second, and VIVOTEK’s SNV and WDR Pro technologies, this camera is capable of delivering clear, detailed images in a variety of challenging applications such as city surveillance, transportation and industrial monitoring.
VIVOTEK's in-house algorithm brings video compression to next level. With VIVOTEK’s Smart Stream III technology, the IP9191-HT is capable of delivering excellent images while keeping bandwidth and storage consumption at extremely low levels, even smaller than typical 2-Megapixel image size.
The IP9191-HT is further equipped with an i-CS (intelligent-CS mount) lens with LSC (Lens Shading Correction) and LDC (Lens Distortion Correction) calibration functions to obtain even better images. When combined with remote focus system, these features enable installers to adjust zoom/focus remotely. These function-rich combinations make the IP9191-HT suitable for a wide range of video surveillance applications.
When housed inside the AE Series Enclosures, the IP9191-HT is excellent for long-range outdoor applications. Furthermore, when equipped with the 12-50mm AL-248 lens, the IP9191-HT is an ideal camera that could deliver exceptional images even from surveillance targets that are over 100 meters away.
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