No matter the property type or environmental conditions, LiftMaster Gate Operators provide convenience, security and peace of mind in communities and businesses across the country.
HD Gate Safety and Security
UL Listed - Tested to the most stringent UL 325 industry guidelines. Secondary entrapment devices need to be added to meet UL325 standards. Your Installer will recommend suitable secondary entrapment devices for your installation, such as photo eyes or edge sensors.
Gate Safety Sensors - Protect people entering or leaving through your gate with safety sensors that stop the gate from closing on obstructions
HD Gate Connectivity
Securely Monitor and Control - Powered by myQ® for full insight and control over community and facility access points. Monitor and control multiple communities with Smart Community Access. Improve warehouse efficiency and productivity with Smart Facility Access.**When linked with an access control powered by myQ. Cellular data or WiFi® connection required. Test equipment regularly and follow safety instructions.
Wireless Dual-Gate Communication - Synchronizes gate operation and eliminates costly trenching; set speed independently if needed.
Gate Real-Time Alerts - Know when a gate opens with real-time alerts.
HD Gate Power
Variable Cycle Speed - Adjusts to meet application needs 13 – 36 sec for a 90 degree openin
For Gates up to 22 Feet - Rated for heavy gates up to 22 feet in length or up to 4,500 LBS (with otional arm HDLGARM).
Continuous Duty Operation - Custom 1.5 HP peak brushless 24VDC motor delivers up to 6 million cycles. Custom large size 80 gear box.
北美 |
伯利兹 |
加拿大 |
危地马拉 |
古巴 |
哥斯达黎加 |
圣卢西亚 |
圣基茨和尼维斯 |
圣巴泰勒米 |
圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛 |
多米尼克 |
多米尼加共和国 |
安圭拉 |
安提瓜和巴布达 |
尼加拉瓜 |
巴哈马 |
巴巴多斯 |
巴拿马 |
库拉索 |
开曼群岛 |
格林纳达 |
格陵兰岛 |
法属圣马丁 |
波多黎各 |
洪都拉斯 |
海地 |
牙买加 |
特克斯和凯科斯群岛 |
特立尼达和多巴哥 |
瓜德罗普 |
百慕大 |
美国 |
美属维尔京群岛 |
聖文森與格瑞那丁 |
英属维尔京群岛 |
荷属圣马丁 |
荷蘭加勒比區 |
萨尔瓦多 |
蒙塞拉特岛 |
阿鲁巴 |
马提尼克 |
墨西哥 |