The USAD1000 15 R is an aluminum security door offering maximum ballistic, blast and forced entry protection. This is out top-level door solution offering the upmost level of security for your facility. The unit exceeds the Department of State’s blast requirements, meets all levels of ballistic standards and meets the Department of State’s (DOS) 5 and 15 minute forced entry ratings. It’s truly suitable for those projects that require the upmost level of protection. The
Alongside our USAD1000 series, these bullet-proof security doors are the top of the line when it comes to security solutions for sensitive properties. The reputation for quality and innovation U.S. Bullet Proofing has earned over the years has led to our products being installed in buildings around the world where the protection of people and property are of the utmost importance. These heavy-duty security doors can be found in government offices, embassies, banks, schools and other high-value sites.
Our commitment to innovation means we deliver the most unique designs that provide security as well as energy efficiency. U.S. Bullet Proofing’s in-house engineering department has the skill and expertise to provide our customers with a solution to meet their needs — built with precision. These qualities and more add up to make us a recognized leader throughout the industry.
It is recommended that the door system be used in conjunction with protected wall and window areas.
Each end user should determine the blast, ballistic and forced entry threat level to ensure the correct product selection to meet and exceed security needs.
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