What is a Powertrac Power - Evacuation Chair?
The Power Evacu-Trac is a versatile stair-climbing chair that can be used for emergency evacuation from below ground level to the exit level. It can also be used to provide a versatile stairway access solution for the elderly or those unable to climb stairs. A powerful motor and battery allow a small attendant to easily move a heavy passenger up and down stairs with the push of a button. Rubber tracks securely grip the stairs.
· Quick and easy set up for immediate use.
· Carries up to 300 lbs.(136 kgs).
· Small attendant can easily transport a heavier passenger.
· Motor controls speed of ascent and descent.
· Electromagnetic brake stops and holds unit on stairs.
· Auxiliary wheels allow fast and easy travel across landing areas.
· Comfortable seat design allows easy transfer from wheelchair.
· Wide, adjustable passenger restraining straps.
· Sturdy steel-reinforced rubber tracks grip all stair materials.
· Includes rechargeable battery & automatic charger.
· Controls include a battery charge status indicator.
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