What is an Elvoron HR? Hydraulic drive system (Premium Ride Quality)
Compact Drive Cabinet. 3hp Submersed Hydraulic Pump Motor. Aircraft-Quality Steel Suspension Cables.
What is an Elvoron MR? Elvoron MR In-Line Drive Home Elevator (A Real Space Saver - Machine Room-less)
No Machine Room. 2hp In-Line Drive Electric Motor. No Hydraulic Fluid.
Features of Elvoron HR/MR
Available in 3 standard car sizes as well as custom sizes up to 18 square feet
Standard Car Sizes:
Available in 6 landing door configurations, including multiple door configurations.
Accordion car gate with safety switch in choice of black, white or antique white with or without 3 vision panels. Optional perforated aluminum, bronze acrylic or clear acrylic panels.
Wide choice of car wall panel colors and materials.
Choice of either brushed stainless steel or oil rubbed bronze finish on metal fixtures (handrail, operating panel, wall control plates).
Choice of either a quiet 1:2 Cable Hydraulic Drive or a machine room-less Geared Direct Drive.
Smooth start and stop.
Standard rated load of 750 lbs.
Nominal travel speed of 40 feet per minute. Travel range of up to 50 feet.
Make up to 6 stops or have a total of 6 landing doors.
Fully automatic push button operation.
Illuminated buttons and digital floor display.
Automatic car lighting upon passenger entry.
Recessed ceiling lighting using low-voltage L.E.D. fixtures.
Full length handrail located below the car operating panel.
Emergency backup power system for lights, locks and door operators.
Emergency stop and alarm.
Floor specific emergency battery lowering system.
Manual lowering capability.
Slack/broken cable safety brake device.
Hoistway door interlocks.
Solid car gate with safety switch.
UL or CSA certified components.
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