VIVOTEK’s TB9331-E is an H.265 outdoor thermal bullet network IP camera designed to detect people and vehicles in wild weather, difficult lighting conditions, and any situation that create poor visibility. With heat based thermal imagery and lens options of 8.8/19/35/50mm,, the TB9331-E supports long distance monitoring of vehicles up to 4,500m away even in complete darkness or under challenging climate conditions such as fog, rain, smoke and dust.
The IP camera model TB9331-E offers 720x480 resolution with an uncooled thermal sensor and VIVOTEK’s VCA (Video Content Analysis) to enhance perimeter protection and boarder security. This camera is also embedded with Trend Micro IoT Security software to provide users with higher levels of network protection. With an IP66, IK10 and NEMA 4X-rated rugged design, the TB9331-E will withstand shock &vibration, humidity, dust, and even extreme temperature fluctuations to maintain stable and reliable video no matter how harsh the environment.
Key Features
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