The model SD9384-EHL is VIVOTEK's latest professional IR speed dome IP camera (PTZ) with 5MP resolution, excellent for video surveillance in wide coverage areas such as airports, city surveillance, and manufacturing facilities. SD9384-EHL is equipped with 200M IR illuminators and a 30x optical zoom to gain more details in any scene. The smart IR technology allows broad coverage FOV and highly uniform IR intensity while at the same time avoiding hotspots.
Video surveillance in big areas has the potential for many incidents, SD9384-EHL's built-in Smart Tracking Advanced (our latest AI technology for Smart VCA) allows user to identify the risk and track the suspected person automatically in real time.
SD9384-EHL's camera body is protected with IP66, IK10 and NEMA 4X certifications against rain, dust, and corrosion. It also supports a wide operating temperature from -40℃ to 60℃ (-40F to 122F) for operation in extreme weather conditions.
Key Features
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