The IB9365-EHT also offers the best in night time surveillance technology. By adopting Smart IR II technology from VIVOTEK speed domes, the IB9365-EHT IR illuminators now align with the remote focus lens' focus angle to provide the best IR image quality at any lens setting. This feature optimizes IR intensity, reduces IR hotspots, and increases the IR effective range up to 50 meters.
Additionally, the IB9365-EHT employs VIVOTEK's Smart Stream III technology and H.265 compression codec, reducing bandwidth more than 90%* while still maintaining excellent image quality compared to traditional H.264 without smart streaming. Furthermore, the VIVOTEK VADP (VIVOTEK Application Development Platform) allows users to add customized programs for various applications and user scenarios. Protecting all these features is the IB9365-EHT's IP66, IP67, IK10 and NEMA 4X rated housing, capable of operating from -50°C to 50°C.
* Depending on scene.
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