VIVOTEK’s FD8382-VF2 is an economical but professional outdoor fixed dome network security IP camera in VIVTOTEK’s 5MP Lite series, which offer up to 15 fps at 5-Megapixel or 30 fps at 1080p resolution at a competitive price.
To meet the demands of outdoor applications, VIVOTEK’s IP camera model FD8382-VF2 provides fixed focus, used for simple operation without additional power. Meanwhile, designed to provide higher resolution, the FD8382-VF2 is an ideal solution for those who demand sharper images with more detail. With powerful 3D Noise Reduction technology and Smart Stream technology, the FD8382-VF2 can also optimize resolution for a desired object or area to maximize the efficiency of bandwidth usage.
To ensure higher resolution even in harsh environments, VIVOTEK’s IP camera model FD8382-VF2 is also armed with IP66-rated housing to help the camera body withstand rain, dust and even high pressure water jets from any direction, while its IK10-rated housing provides protection against acts of vandalism or other impacts. Additionally, a wide operating temperature range further improves the FD8382-VF2’s performance and reliability in extremely cold or warm weather, even when using PoE.
With the highly flexible VADP (VIVOTEK Application Development Platform), users can extend the features of this FD8382 series by adding third-party applications for the FD8382-VF2, FD8382-EVF2, FD8382-TV, and FD8382-VF2. Thus, the FD8382 series is not only equipped with multiple focusing methods and wide temperature range options, but is also highly flexible and able to be expanded to meet a wide range of requirements.
Key Features
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