VIVOTEK’s FD8366-V is a compact 2-megapixel IR dome network IP camera equipped to provide 30 frames per second at H.264 compression. With IP66, IK10 and NEMA 4X-rated rugged design, the camera will withstand shocks, vibration, humidity, dust, and even extreme temperature fluctuations to maintain stable and reliable video no matter how harsh the environment.
Armed with built-in IR illumination, the FD8366-V delivers superior image quality for up to 15 meters in total darkness. This all-in-one camera meets a diverse array of needs for outdoor surveillance applications, from retail stores to health care facilities.
Employing VIVOTEK’s Smart Stream II technology, the IP camera model FD8366-V can reduce both bandwidth and storage consumption by up to 50%* while maintaining high standards of image quality. Power over Ethernet (PoE) functionality means the camera can be operated and powered via a single Ethernet cable, allowing greater ease, and lower cost, of installation. Further, in order to facilitate on-board storage, data portability, and localized backup, the camera is equipped with a MicroSD/SDHC/SDXC card slot for local recording.
* Depending on scenes
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