roda Licht- und Lufttechnik GmbH is a VdS-accredited manufacturer of natural smoke and heat extraction systems (NSHEV). As such we have an extraordinary obligation as far as the perfect operation of our systems is concerned. For with fire safety equipment there can’t be any compromises in respect of functionality even after many years of use. We therefore put our faith in top quality materials, perfect manufacture and the innovative expertise of our experienced employees, who consistently reflect the latest technological standards in our new developments and enhancements. This innovative expertise is not least the reason why in situations with difficult specifications we are able to adapt and build systems to bespoke client requirements. We carry this approach through from development to implementation. We thus fulfil not only the EU’s EN12101-2 standard, applicable since 2006, but also subject ourselves to a voluntary third-party inspection by the North Rhine-Westphalia Materials Inspection Office.
Our product portfolio, which is sold around the globe, is completed by further systems for industrial venting and ventilation, daylight lighting equipment and translucent façade systems.
In addition to our products’ quality we seek to ensure that our customer service also satisfies your requirements. Our business partners in the various countries are available to act as expert partners in assisting you both in the planning and implementation of your system.
Our international business strategy is to work in each country in which we are represented with a permanent partner. You will find the relevant partner for your country under contacts.