Gunnebo Entrance Control is a global leader in access control security products, services and software, with an offering focusing on retail, mass transit, public and commercial buildings, industrial and high-risk sites, and banks. With offices across 25 locations and partners around the world, Gunnebo Entrance Control is the first choice for advanced security gates that focus on single person detection. Keeping people, property and assets safe while delivering freedom of movement.
We are the world's leading specialist in entrance control solutions, and manufacture interior and exterior turnstiles ranging from tripod turnstiles, entrance gates, full-height turnstiles, advanced speed gates and revolving security doors for a wide range of applications. Our range of entry control products to create a safe environment, whether it is to enter the lobby of a company, a store, an entertainment area or an industrial area without restricting freedom of movement or operate within sites with higher security requirements like airports, embassies, nuclear power plants and prisons.