Carla is TLC Group product from the developed family of modular stairs. Our engineers have managed to create modular spiral staircase. Thanks to a wide range of variants the spiral staircases can be easily adjusted to the customer's needs, which guarantees time saving during the realisation of the order. The main advantage of the industrial spiral staircases is the possibility to maximise the available space in rooms with limited space. They find their application e.g. in logistics, storage or production halls.
欧洲 |
丹麦 |
冰岛 |
列支敦士登 |
卢森堡 |
奥地利 |
德国 |
挪威 |
捷克共和国 |
摩纳哥 |
斯洛伐克 |
比利时 |
法国 |
波兰 |
爱尔兰 |
瑞典 |
瑞士 |
直布罗陀 |
芬兰 |
英国 |
荷兰 |
葡萄牙 |
西班牙 |