Snow Melt Paver System
Tile Tech Hex-Tray™ SNOW MELT system is the most economical, versatile and easiest to install system for snow-free surface for pedestal supported pavers laid on elevated rooftop decks, terraces, plazas or walkways in both commercial or residential applications. Our snow melting system can be used with both ELECTRIC and HYDRONIC heating system and engineered to be used in conjunction with our porcelain roof deck pavers & adjustable pedestals and works by simply of running insulated electrical heating cables or hydronic pex tubing along channels on top of the aluminum heat plates which installed under the paving slabs. Additional wind-uplift prevention mechanism is also available for the snow melting system.
Applications of Pavers Snow Melting System
The Hex-Tray paver snow melting system can efficiently snowmelt practically any of our elevated paver installation and installed under our pedestal supported porcelain pavers on terraces, patios, roof decks, walkways or exterior paved areas and it only requires a minimum of only 2-3/4” FINISHED clearance including the pavers, aluminum heat plate, hex-tray, insulation and low-height pedestals and allow for adequate drainage under the pavers. The heated section can easily be confined to specific zones within a paved area or just a section of a 24″ wide paver if required and there are no restrictions on the minimum or maximum area for installation.
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