LIGHT WEIGHT, HEAVY HITTER Who says composite decking can't be both affordable and long-lasting? Sylvanix Elements decking is setting a new standard for composite decking that doesn’t break the bank. If you are looking for the perfect low maintenance decking solution that will save you both time and money without compromising on style, get ready to transform your outdoor living space with Sylvanix Elements.
The Look and Feel of Tropical Hardwood
Elements is available in four traditional colors with multi-hued streaking and an authentic wood grain pattern that captures the beauty of tropical hardwoods. Made with the same proprietary blend of reclaimed eucalyptus wood and recycled plastic as our premium decking, Elements’ high-performance scalloped core features an added layer of protection for strengthened wear resistance and ease of maintenance.
Thanks to its lightweight profile, Elements is easier to handle and install. It is also compatible with any universal hidden fastening system, making the job even easier. And unlike wood, once you have your Elements deck installed, there is very little upkeep or maintenance, which means more time spent enjoying your deck and less time spent maintaining it.
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