The O-Type watertube boiler design has the capability to reach steam outputs of up to 250,000 PPH with pressures up to 900 psi.
The O-Type industrial watertube boiler has a symmetrical furnace with a vertical flue gas exit which allows for a narrow footprint and a balanced center of gravity.
Superior Boiler offers the O-Type industrial watertube boiler design along with several other standard boiler designs. Our O-Type industrial watertube boiler design has the capability to reach steam outputs of up to 250,000 PPH with pressures up to 900 psi. D-Type watertube boilers are limited in their shop assembled capacities due to shipping constraints. The O-Type industrial watertube boiler has a symmetrical furnace with a vertical flue gas exit which allows for a narrow footprint and a balanced center of gravity.
While O-Type industrial watertube boilers are typically fired using natural gas and oil as the fuel, this style of boiler can be more versatile than the standard D-Type boilers. Frequently, an O-Type industrial watertube boiler boiler is fitted with a combustion chamber on the front end that allows the thermal energy created by solid fuel firing or a waste stream from another source to be used in conjunction with the “O” symmetrical furnace, vertical gas outlet and overall narrow width.
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