High-quality, sleek-looking, and built with a full, overlay door with Euro-style concealed hinges, these Day Use Lockers are the ideal solution for an open office environment, where personal storage is at a premium. Day Use Lockers are designed to be the building blocks that create a more inspiring and productive work space.
Spacesaver’s Day-Use Lockers are made with a durable metal frame and either a metal or high-pressure laminate door, each of which offer an array of lock options. These Day Use Lockers can be used to store laptops, purses, backpacks, workout gear, and other personal belongings without sacrificing the style of the overall work environment.
This Revit model is flexible to our standard dimensions and can be 1 to 5 tiers high.
Locker Frame Dimensions:
Heights: 24", 36", 54", 60", 72"
Widths: 12", 15", 18"
Depths: 12", 15", 18", 24"
*The metal colors represented should purely be used as an estimate. We are not implying that the RAL color provided is a direct equivalent, rather a close estimate.
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