Present a better image for your business
Optimized for professional use, the slim, energy-efficient BRAVIA FW-75BZ40H combines bright 4K HDR image quality with easy operation, flexible networking/control and extensive integration options.
Every BRAVIA 4K Professional Display takes full advantage of latest consumer television technologies to ensure vibrant, high-brightness 4K HDR images that add impact to all your content. Beautiful pictures are balanced by Acoustic Multi-Audio™ for clear, immersive sound.
The BRAVIA FW-75BZ40H is designed for dependable 24/7 operation in a wide range of B2B applications. Side-mounted terminals allow easy access for cable connections. The display's elegantly minimal design is enhanced further for professional use with a four-sided aluminum bezel and full protective rear.
Pro mode allows quick and easy customization to suit different environments including corporate, education and hospitality, while One Step Setting optimizes display settings for signage and conference rooms at the touch of a single button. A powerful SoC platform with improved processing speeds allow apps and animation to run smoothly and efficiently alongside a stress-free user interface for easy operation.
Creating attractive digital signage is simple, mixing and displaying media files and online content with no need for additional hardware. The display's Android platform broadens control and customization options, while a wide range of API (Application Programming Interface) options enable remote control/monitoring and integration with external systems.
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