Setting the Standard
Fastlane Plus 400 AS is a premium optical turnstile with an extended pedestal and barrier arms that can operate in an open mode. It combines advanced optical technology with a barrier arm to detect and physically impede unauthorized access. With Fastlane, security has never looked so inviting.
Advanced intelligence
Fastlane turnstiles and speedgates have an advanced architecture based on distributed intelligence. An infrared beam matrix engineered with multiple microprocessors monitors pedestrian movement with pinpoint accuracy, detecting tailgaters as close as ¼” apart. Inherently more secure, this technology also enables the fastest entry and minimizes false alarms.
IP enabled
Fastlane Plus 400 AS turnstile features Fastlane Connect™, a TCP/IP communication and control system that enables Web-based turnstile control from any PC, tablet, smartphone, or from Fastlane’s Multilane Controller.
Fastlane Plus 400 AS turnstile was designed with additional detection beams that allow it to operate in a Normally Open mode. The barrier arms quickly close for an unauthorized user.
Fastlane Plus 400 AS features four additional operating modes. Turnstiles can be connected to a remote control panel or integrated with third-party systems for electronic mode selection. Fastlane sounds a local alarm if someone enters without authorization.
User-friendly and safe
Fastlane Plus turnstiles features multiple safety beams designed to stop the barrier arms from colliding with users. The units feature a Fire Alarm input to allow for safe, unimpeded emergency evacuation and the 400 series features unique self-resetting break away arms for safer operation.
Keywords: entry security, pedestrian gates, entrance control, access control turnstiles, speedgates, anti-tailgating devices, anti tailgating access control, electric gate, access control, physical access control, security gates, pedestrian turnstiles, turnstiles, security entrance gates, security turnstile gate, turn style gate, optical turnstiles, entrance access control, turnstile access control security systems, employee entrance turnstile, anti tailgating security, physical access control, speed gates, barrier turnstiles, lobby security, entrance security, security alarms, pedestrian security, gates, barrier gates, entry gates, pedestrian turnstiles, waist high turnstiles, full height turnstiles, high security, barrier free turnstiles, glass barrier turnstiles, barrier arm turnstiles, access gate.
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特立尼达和多巴哥 | |
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美属维尔京群岛 | |
聖文森與格瑞那丁 | |
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马提尼克 | |
墨西哥 |