Hylex™ units are universal, inverter driven heat pumps that can connect to any coil with a TXV (conditions apply) that can be applied to full (new system) or partial (replacement) applications.
The Hylex™ unit is our first universal, inverter-driven heat pump that serves as a direct replacement for a traditional cooling-only or heat pump unitary outdoor unit. In other words, the game is about to change for residential HVAC.
The Hylex™ unit uses traditional unitary line sets where the liquid pipe does not require insulation and provides three suction pipe diameter options for even greater installation flexibility for replacement applications.
Whether the system is configured as a cooling-only or heat pump, only 2 wires are required between the indoor and outdoor sections. In addition, the Hylex™ unit is compatible with virtually any 24VAC thermostat and can use standard solid-core 18 AWG control wire from the outdoor unit to the indoor section and to the thermostat.
The Hylex™ unit has a smaller footprint compared to a traditional unitary (cube) unit, making it easier to move using a dolly, easier to get through gates and requires less space on the installers truck. In addition, its compact size makes it an ideal solution for new residential zero-lot-line properties.
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