Constructed of 16 gauge steel, Salsbury standard gear lockers are ideal when a secure environment for equipment, uniforms, clothing and many other applica- tions is needed. Standard gear lockers are available with a solid front door panel (#71024) or a vented front door panel (#72024). Doors open from left to right and are attached to the gear locker with four (4) heavy duty hinges allowing for smooth operation. Measuring 24" deep, standard gear lockers are two (2) feet wide and six (6) feet high. They are available in a gray, tan or blue powder coat- ed finish and as unassembled or assembled units. Standard gear lockers feature a 13-3/4’’ deep upper shelf with a 12’’ W x 12-1/2’’ H x 13-3/4’’ D top compart- ment that includes a recessed hasp. They also include two (2) single wall hooks, a coat rod and a 14’’ high foot locker. The foot locker includes a hinged lid and a vented front panel with a padlock hasp for secure equipment storage. Built-in locks (#77710 for combination and #77715 for key) and padlocks (#77720 for combination and #77725 for key) are available as options upon request for the master door and the interior top compartment. Combination and keyed padlocks (#77720 and #77725) are available as options upon request for the foot lockers.
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