SYNEGO windows from REHAU bear the EcoPuls product label. This means that the window profile contains more than 40% recyclates. REHAU stands for this positive ecological footprint. Enjoy the comfort of your windows along with the good feeling of having chosen a sustainably produced product.
Doubly sustainable
The excellent thermal insulation properties of the thermal insulation windows also ensure that you are doing something good for the environment with SYNEGO windows over the long term. Installed in your living space, they achieve up to 45% more thermal insulation compared to the current standard window*. This saves energy, provides cozy warmth and also increases the value of your property.
Passive house suitability according to ift guidelines was thus confirmed for the SYNEGO windows in the version with medium seal (MD).
SYNEGO windows shut off noise.
Feel comfortable - no matter how noisy your surroundings are.
Noise makes you ill, even if you are no longer consciously aware of it. Studies show that regular exposure to traffic noise leads to a significantly higher risk of cardiovascular disease. Leave stress-causing noise out. Due to the special construction depth of SYNEGO, special functional glass can be used, which ensures increased sound insulation - for quiet and a relaxed home.
Premium soundproofing
SYNEGO windows ensure an improvement in the quality of life, because equipped with the optional center seal system, they reduce noise by up to 47 decibels. That is about the volume of a lawnmower a few meters away. SYNEGO windows thus achieve a noise reduction of up to 26 times.
Safety up to resistance class RC 3
Windows with resistance class RC 1 have a low burglary protection and can therefore be overcome in a relatively short time. With higher resistance classes, on the other hand, significantly more time and, above all, heavy tools are required. SYNEGO windows easily achieve resistance class RC 2. And even the requirements of resistance class RC 3 can be easily met with appropriate additional measures.
Joy of colors that stays.
You can find your favorite color in a large selection with more than 400 designs. You can choose the color for the inside and outside separately - for example, anthracite on the outside, classic white on the inside. Whatever your decision, you can rest assured that your windows will still look the same years later as they did on day one. Because our paints and decors are colourfast and weatherproof.
Slim design
SYNEGO windows impress with their slim design sashes. Thanks to the French casement solution, the middle section is particularly filigree and lets plenty of light into your living space.
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