The S.11 Lift and Slide door system is custom made to order with a large variety of options available.
System Overview: This system has been specifically engineered for maximum weather tightness, security and performance.
Maximum Panel Height: Up to 14 feet or up to 20 feet with a true divider.
Maximum Panel Width: Up to 10 feet.
Panel Weight: Approximately 7 to 8 lbs/sqft depending on overall panel size.
Number of Panels: Countless panel groups can be built.
Profiles: Manufactured from 6063-T5 extruded aluminum with a profile thickness of 1/8″ allowing for oversized panels. The interior wood is uniquely cladded to the profiles by durable polyamide clips which create a thermal barrier for better UV and SFGC performance.
System Configurations Available: Almost any size and shape of opening can be accommodated. Systems can pocket to left or right, and can stack to left and/or right. 45 and 90 degree configurations are available, as well as panoramic with a radius of minimum 144″.
Glazing: Clear Low-E insulated is the standard. Various types of glass and other materials at a thickness of up to 1 7/8″ may be used. Optional integrated blinds are available.
Weather-stripping: The entire door system has specially designed EPDM V-type gaskets and dense felt brushes to create a totally closed weather sealed system.
Bottom Track Options:
All weight is carried on the bottom track, the top track serves as a guide.
Trench Depth: Min. 2 1/2″
Trench Depth: Min. 1 1/4″
Trench Depth: Mounts on floor
Header Track:
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蒙塞拉特岛 |
阿鲁巴 |
马提尼克 |
墨西哥 |