Owens Corning® FOAMULAR® & FOAMULAR® NGX® Project Wall Panels are extruded polystyrene (XPS) boards designed to fit in 16" on center or 24″ on center wood stud cavities providing an R-7.5. They are great for insulating unfinished basements and garage walls (must be covered by a 15 minute thermal barrier like gypsum drywall). The Owens Corning patented Hydrovac® process technology makes the unique closed-cell structure of FOAMULAR® & FOAMULAR® NGX® XPS highly resistant to moisture, strong, easy to cut and shape, and it remains dimensionally stable over time.
FOAMULAR® NGX® Project Panels contain the additional benefit of being manufactured with a blowing agent formulation that delivers a greater than 80% reduction to Global Warming Potential (100 years), including the complete elimination of HFC 134a.
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