Introducing the latest evolution in home heating: our NPF hydro-furnace features a stainless steel hydronic heat exchanger, condensing technology, and a high-efficiency variable capacity blower and modulating gas burner, allowing the NPF to operate from 15-100% capacity for both natural gas and propane applications.
In conventional gas furnaces the combustion heat exchanger is located in the conditioned airstream. This exposes the air to very high
temperatures that can dry out the air. The NPF Difference: The NPF heats water by burning the gas in a sealed combustion heat exchanger, completely isolated from the airstream. The heated water is then pumped through a hydronic heat exchanger that gently transfers the heat into the air. This unique method improves operational control, provides safe and even heating, and keeps operating sounds to a minimum. By exposing the air to much lower temperatures, there is less impact on the conditioned air humidity level
Whether you choose a vertical upflow or horizontal flow model you’ll benefit from the same advanced features, performance and warranty protection.
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