For precise, non-parametric 'static' Revit and IFC models, please check the 3D configurator under 'Links - Tendering Information'.
cero® is the minimal framed large panel sliding glass wall by NanaWall Systems. Simple in form yet engineered to perfection. Producing clean, uniform, and ultra-thin lines for maximum light filled spaces that connect the interior to the exterior. The award-winning cero offers full floor to ceiling sliding glass panels with recessed top and bottom tracks. Produced through time-tested premium German engineering, cero allows for maximum transparency with the largest panes of glass and the most minimal frames offered by NanaWall.
cero is available in two options depending on thermal performance needs—triple glazed cero III and double glazed cero II. cero II standard and reinforced units is Florida statewide approved with product approval number FL38028. cero III standard and reinforced units is Florida statewide approved with product approval number FL35024.1.
cero has been tested to 40,000 opening and closing cycles. The NanaWall Floor Supported Technology assures that the rollers run above the water table and the design allow for continued long term smooth operation. For high level of insulation and energy efficiency, cero's profiles are thermally broken with glass fiber reinforced polyamide.
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