Our water softener is designed to deliver a more consistent, highly softened water supply.
Miura’s MW regeneration process comes with the added reliability of double tank alternation, our system-integrated Colormetry hardness detector, and a control panel that interfaces with Miura’s MOM and ER dashboard systems. When it comes to protecting your investment, and taking care of your boiler, soft water is absolutely critical.
The Importance of Water Softeners
The most common cause of overheating and failure of boiler tubes is when hard scale forms on the boiler tube surfaces. This scale comes from calcium and magnesium in the water. These, however, aren’t the only side effects. Efficiency is also decreased because of the scale’s insulating effect on the heat transfer surfaces. A layer of scale just 1/8-inch thick can cause as much as 20%-25% loss in efficiency.
Dual-Tank Water Softener Benefits
Miura’s dual-tank water softener design enables you to provide soft water 24/7/365. The resin within the tanks periodically needs to go through a salt bath regeneration process. When this regeneration is taking place, the resin cannot soften the incoming water supply. With two water softening tanks, when one of the tanks is in regeneration the other tank is fully functional and still provides your system with processed water. This method ensures a constant flow of soft water to your boiler system.
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