Johns Manville Linacoustic® RC duct liner provides superior thermal and acoustical performance and improved handling during fabrication when lining metal ducts. Linacoustic RC’s airstream surface is coated with our proprietary Permacote® coating, which provides a durable surface that is resistant to dust and dirt and provides added product protection against microbial growth. Our unique flame-attenuated technology yields a very controlled fine fiber characteristic that results in a fiberglass core unmatched by our competitors. This ensures consistently high performance and easy processing on a wide range of duct fabrication equipment. Building occupants benefit from less unwanted noise and more consistent temperatures for improved comfort.
NRC: 0.85 (R6)
R Value: 6.3 ( 1.5")
ASTM C1071 Type I: Complies
Greenguard: Certified
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