Quattro Performance Series Polymer seats are fashioned in school-proof polymer with style that adds a touch of class to auditoriums. Each part is easy to replace, and the seats are easy to upgrade with shared Quattro components.
All Performance Series chairs are available with optional tablet arm, including our new TR-1 Tablet when equipped with our Traditional steel stanchion. The TR-1’s large (110 Sq.In.) tablet stows completely within the chair space, and yet provides more seating space for the user when in use than traditional tablets. It’s panic proof operation features a controlled return mechanism to ensure smooth, quiet operation. Customize your Performance Series Polymer seats with a plain, jungle or crescent style back. Available with cast aluminum, steel or traditional steel stanchions.
Blending classic plywood design with advanced Hussey performance and safety, the Quattro® Performance Series Plyform stands up to the rigors of your school environment. The seats and backs are made from 11-ply cross-banded plywood. Flat-sided traditional oval steel stanchions add strength as well as style. Plus, our signature seat back design extends below the seat to keep toes from getting pinched.
All Performance Series chairs are available with optional tablet arm, including our new TR-1 Tablet when equipped with our Traditional steel stanchion. The TR-1’s large (110 Sq.In.) tablet stows completely within the chair space, and yet provides more seating space for the user when in use than traditional tablets. It’s panic proof operation features a controlled return mechanism to ensure smooth, quiet operation. Customize your Performance Series Polymer seats with a plain, jungle or crescent style back. Available with cast aluminum, steel or traditional steel stanchions.
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