The HB668 flush pull matches the flush pulls on our HB630 and HB640 Series locksets but without snibs or key holes. A classic product in its own right, the asymmetric grip of the HB668 provides a matching solution for Halliday + Baillie lock sets on bi-parting doors, or an alternative 250mm pull for passage sliding doors.
A classic product in its own right, the asymmetric grip of the HB668 provides a matching solution for Halliday + Baillie lock sets on bi-parting doors, or an alternative 250mm pull for passage sliding doors. All of our flush pulls have invisible fixing for a pared back contemporary look. Sold individually.
Material: Diecast zinc
Flush pulls : 250mm x 36mm x 11mm
Suitable for timber or aluminum doors. HB604 timber fixing kit not required for aluminum doors.
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