Low-E and Solar Control
Light is beautiful. Excessive heat is not. SunGuard Advanced Architectural Glass offers three different product series — SuperNeutral, High Performance, Solar — to create striking statements of light and color while earning LEED points and controlling energy costs.
SuperNeutral Series Low-E - SuperNeutral products deliver high light transmittance while reducing solar heat gain. Their neutral appearance is the most similar to clear uncoated glass.
SuperNeutral SNX 62/27 - Let natural light do what it does best with SunGuard SNX 62/27 coated glass. SNX 62/67 coated glass product offers the highest light-to-solar-gain ratio of all SunGuard coated glass. This triple silver coating is an excellent option for daylighting—making it easy to create more inviting spaces, increase occupant comfort and help achieve LEED® credits. Its neutral/green appearance stays true to your design vision while helping to gain the energy-saving performance you desire.
SunGuard IS 20 - An interior surface coating that can be used on a double or triple glaze insulating glass unit to lower the u-factor by an additional .05 of a point.
*NEW* Project Specific Custom BIM Content – Request project specific custom content from the Guardian BIM Generator. The BIM Generator works with the Guardian Performance Calculator as part of a suite of online Glass Analytic tools. These tools are a comprehensive suite of engineering and analytical tools that demonstrate the advantages of high performance glass in building facades. The Performance Calculator provides modeling of the thermal and optical properties for a glass make-up ranging from monolithic uncoated glass to highly complex combinations of substrates, coatings and interlayers. These project specific created make-ups can then be integrated into the Guardian Building Energy Calculator to compare energy cost and consumption information based on hourly simulations of user specified glass make-ups, building parameters and geography. Once a selection has been made from the comparative tools, you have the ability to request project specific custom BIM content from within the Performance Calculator. Content is available as a curtain wall panel or a window based generic model.
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