Comfort and savings come in bold colours
Guardian introduces SunGuard® High Durable Colors series with enhanced coating resistance, coupled with vivid and clear colour reproduction. SunGuard® HD Colors not only looks fantastic from the outside, but also enables you to see clearly and without any distortions from the interiors. SunGuard® HD Colors are manufactured using advanced magnetron technology and can be tempered, bent, laminated or even installed monolithically due to high durability.
Guardian SunGuard® HD Colours Green provides great solar insulation for your project, as well as vibrant colour. Solar insulation will help reduce electricity costs as well as increase occupant comfort. The stunning blue colour will add character to your project.
Product Information THICKNESS 3 - 12 mm
APPLICATIONS Facades Windows Doors Curtain Walls Roofs Skylights
MANUFACTURING OPTIONS Tempered Laminated Bent Heat Soaked Heat Strengthened
AVAILABLE SIZES Maximum Height x Width: 3210 x 6000 mm
RECOMMENDED COATING POSITIONS Monolithic: 2 Double glazed: 2
APPLICATION TYPE Can be used in: Monolithic or Insulating Glass Unit
亚洲 | 非洲 |
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巴勒斯坦 | 刚果 |
巴基斯坦 | 刚果民主共和国 |
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黎巴嫩 | 卢旺达 |
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塞内加尔 | |
塞拉利昂 | |
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尼日尔 | |
布基纳法索 | |
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查德 | |
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毛里求斯 | |
津巴布韦 | |
留尼汪 | |
科摩罗 | |
科特迪瓦 | |
突尼斯 | |
索马里 | |
纳米比亚 | |
肯尼亚 | |
苏丹 | |
莫桑比克 | |
莱索托 | |
西撒哈拉 | |
贝宁 | |
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阿尔及利亚 | |
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