Originally designed in 1983, the Ergofocus remains one of Focus best-sellers and has been constantly in production, maintaining its status as a modern classic. Its legendary design makes it a lasting look in modern interior design with its dramatic suspended flue and pivoting hearth.
When Focus launched the Gyrofocus Gas in 2022, it was a patented global innovation. Today, FOCUS has repeated this astonishing accomplishment with the Ergofocus Gas. They have achieved a real technological milestone by allowing gas to flow through a plate in the ceiling and then down through an insulated conduit into the fireplace, while still allowing the hearth to swivel 100 degrees.
The new Ergofocus Gas uses a remote control that instantly lights the fire, while the flame’s intensity is fully adjustable, providing a beautiful flame performance. The flames dance rhythmically in the heart of the realistic ceramic log hearth.
Thanks to its ease of use, this decorative appliance can be specified in homes as well as commercial projects, including reception areas of large hotels, corporate offices, luxury condo common areas, and restaurants. It can be installed above any surface, including wood floors, without the need for a protective plate underneath.
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