ezH2O® Bottle Filling Station with Bi-Level Integral SwirlFlo® Fountain Filtered Refrigerated Stainless. Chilling Capacity of 8.0 GPH (gallons per hour) of 50° F drinking water, based on 80° F inlet water and 90° F ambient, per ASHRAE 18 testing. Features shall include Antimicrobial*, Filtered, Green Ticker™, Hands Free, Laminar Flow, Real Drain, Visual Filter Monitor. Furnished with Flexi-Guard ® Safety Bubbler. Electronic Bottle Filler Sensor with Mechanical Front Bubbler Button activation. Product shall be Wall Mount (Inwall Frame/Plate), for Indoor applications, serving 2 station(s). Unit shall be certified to UL 399 and CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 120.
Keywords: Bottle Filling Station with Bi-Level, Fountain Bottle Filling Station, Stainless Steel Bottel Filling Station, Refirgrated Bottle Filling Sation
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