Fully Formed and Welded Custom Revolving Door
The Crane 3000 Series revolving door combines premium construction with unmatched design to create a door limited only by your imagination.
By selecting a Crane 3000 Series revolving door, the scene is limited only by imagination and vision. Any building can benefit from the value of a revolving door; some buildings deserve the stylized choice of the industry’s signature product, a Crane 3000. Whether the design includes the old-world elegance of mahogany or a sleek and contemporary steel finish, or anywhere in between, the 3000 offers premium construction and unrivaled custom design. The Crane 3000 Series is the only fully formed and welded revolving door in the market.
The Crane 3000 Series is available with manual, automatic, or security modes of operation, and can be customized with all attachment types (see the graphic). The 3000 series can also be constructed with Motion Assist 360.
The BIM object filename indicates wall attachment configuration type: A thru T (see diagram) and Revit wall types: Solid Wall [no tag] or Curtain Wall, CW.
CAD DWG format files are available online through the dormakaba Crane 3000 product page.
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