The building block for corridor charging success
From site selection and design to energy optimization and driver support, ChargePoint® Express Plus simplifies the deployment of future-proof electrification infrastructure. Quality hardware and powerful software enable seamless scaling to serve all kinds of drivers.
Attract and Retain more Drivers
Charge any EV on the road today, including Tesla, with ChargePoint Omni Port, which is available for Express Plus.
Modular system built to scale
Our modular DC fast charging platform is built to scale with your needs and ready for the future of charging. The Express Plus system includes Power Blocks that house up to five Power Modules and deliver power that can be dynamically shared among Power Link stations, equipped with 500 A liquid-cooled cables and simultaneous charging to deliver a premium driver experience.
Built for serviceability
All components are architected for optimal efficiency, scalability and serviceability.
ChargePoint’s terms of use found at:" with ChargePoint’s privacy policy found at:; (collectively, “ChargePoint terms”) govern your download and/or use of any of the ChargePoint objects made available on this BIMobject platform (“CP objects”). If you are not eligible or do not agree to the ChargePoint terms, then you do not have ChargePoint’s permission to download or use the CP objects.
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聖文森與格瑞那丁 |
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蒙塞拉特岛 |
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马提尼克 |
墨西哥 |