Suvinil Protected Family
Suvinil Protected Family
Suvinil Protected Family
Suvinil Protected Family
Suvinil Protected Family

    Suvinil Protected Family

    Suvinil Protected Family is the paint which eliminates 99% of bacteria on the wall! Beyond that, with a humid cloth and neutral detergent, it's easy to remove dirt marks, as drawing pen, crayons, sauces, fat and oil, lipstick and more.

    Available Sizes and Yields:

    Can (18 L) = up to 115m² finished;
    Can (16 L) = up to 115m² finished;
    Gallon (3,6 L) = up to 23m² finished;
    Gallon (3,2 L) = up to 23m² finished;
    1/4 Gallon (0,8 L) = up to 6m² finished

    • Indicated Area: Interior and Exterior;
      Finishing: Satin;
      Quality: Premium;
      Yield: up to 115m² finished

      Coats: 2-3

      Surfaces: Suitable for painting and repainting internal and external surfaces of plaster, acrylic putty and internal putty, textures, concrete, fiber cement and plaster. Antibacterial protection valid only for indoor use.

      Pre-Application Products: Suvinil Acrylic Sealer (for first painting on firm masonry surfaces). Suvinil Wall Preparing Primer (for repainting on weak surfaces such as chalked paints). Suvinil Plaster & Drywall (for new surfaces of gypsum, plaster  and drywall). Suvinil Interior Putty or Suvinil Exterior/Interior Putty for surface levelling.

      Shine Intensity: 2/4;
      Washability: 3/4;
      Odor: no odor within 3 hours after application.

    • 唯一参考SUV-PAREDE-FPR
    • 产品系列Paint, Varnishes & Finishes
    • 产品组Wall Paints
    • 类型对象(单个对象)
    • 发布日期2019-08-21
    • 版本号1
    • 高度 (mm)348.5
    • 宽度 (mm)235
    • 深度 (mm)235
    • 主材料油漆
    • 次要材料油漆
    • 设计国家/地区Brazil
    • 制造国家/地区Brazil
    • 净重 (Kg)22.36
    • BIMobject 类别建筑材料 - 油漆和清漆
    • UNSPSC 名称Finishing materials and products
    • UNSPSC 代码301519
    • Uniclass 2015 代码Pr_35_31_22_98
    • Uniclass 2015 说明Waterborne mid-sheen finishes
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 代码09 90 00
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 标题Painting and Coating
    • OmniClass 编号23-15 21 11
    • OmniClass 标题Paints and Varnishes
    • CSI UniFormat II 代码C3010
    • CSI UniFormat II 标题Wall Finishes