F1 Turnstile

F1 Turnstile

The device designed to assist pedestrian access control at guarded passage ways inside buildings. Examples of use: points of ticket control and access control for passenger traffic, airports/seaports, passages for authorised personnel, directing passanger traffic, points of access control in secured buildings (e.g. state offi ces such as border crossing points, other services), points of ticket control and fees at museums, theatres, cinemas, exhibitions, fair areas, show facilities, paid toilets, points of ticket control at sports facilities, e.g. swimming pools, stadiums, other sports and show facilities, access and time attendance control points in working places, e.g. offices, dedicated areas in factories.

  • 唯一参考gastop-f1-turnstile
  • 类型对象(单个对象)
  • 发布日期2022-06-28
  • 版本号1
  • 主材料不锈钢
  • 设计国家/地区Poland
  • 制造国家/地区Poland
  • BIMobject 类别门 - 安全
  • IFC 分类
  • OmniClass 编号23-29 13 23 11
  • OmniClass 标题Waist Height Turnstiles