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Wilkins 20XL Pressure Reducing Valve, 3/4" & 1"
Wilkins 20XL Pressure Reducing Valve, 3/4" & 1"
Wilkins 20XL Pressure Reducing Valve, 3/4" & 1"
Wilkins 20XL Pressure Reducing Valve, 3/4" & 1"
Wilkins 20XL Pressure Reducing Valve, 3/4" & 1"
Wilkins 20XL Pressure Reducing Valve, 3/4" & 1"

    Wilkins 20XL Pressure Reducing Valve, 3/4" & 1"

    The Water Pressure Reducing Valve shall be certified to NSF/ANSI 61, ASSE® Listed 1003, and CSA® Certified B356, available with single union, double union, less union, crimp pex and expansion pex end connections. The main body shall be Lead-Free* cast bronze alloy. The bell shall be UV resistant polymer composite. The integral strainer screen shall be 300 series stainless steel. The cartridge shall incorporate an integral seat. The integral by-pass shall prevent excessive system pressure caused by thermal expansion. The seat disc elastomer shall be EPDM. The assembly shall be accessible for maintenance without removing the device from the line. The Water Pressure Reducing Valve shall be a ZURN WILKINS Model 20XL.


    Massachusetts Approved, Meets the requirements of NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 and 372**(Less than 0.25% Weighted Average Lead Content), ASSE® Listed 1003, CSA® Certified B356, cUPC®


    • Inexpensive, durable and versatile – an excellent value for residential construction and replacement
    • Wide range of connection options fits nearly every residential need
    • Integral stainless steel strainer stops debris
    • Helps conserve water and lower energy costs
    • Threaded bell housing offers easy access for repairs
    • Chemical-resistant cartridge and durable UV-resistant bell housing for longer life
    • Can be installed in any position

      Keywords: pressure reducing valve, thermal expansion, prv valve, pressure reducer valve, pressure regulator valve, pressure reducing valves, bell housing, water pressure reducing valve, pressure regulating valve, zurn wilkins, pressure-reducing valve, pressure reducing valve for water, pressure regulator valves, expansion pex,wilkins zurn, zurn pressure reducing valve, fnpt means, wilkins pressure reducing valve, zurn wilkins pressure reducing valve, crimp pex, zurn pressure regulator, pressure reducing valve zurn, zurn wilkins pressure regulator, zurn water pressure regulator, plumbing pressure relief valve, zurn wilkins prv, pex pressure reducing valve, wilkins zurn pressure reducing valve, zurn water pressure reducing valve

      Технічна специфікація
      • Унікальний номерzurn-20xl
      • Сімейство продуктівPressure Reducing Valves
      • Група продуктівPressure Reducing Valves
      • ТипObject (single object)
      • Дата публікації2019-11-08
      • Номер видання2
      • Висота (у дюймах)5.56
      • Ширина (у дюймах)1.75
      • Глибина (у дюймах)3.87
      • Матеріал основнийBronze
      • Матеріал допоміжнийPolymer
      • Розроблено вUnited States
      • Вага нетто (у фунтах)1.2
      • Категорія BIMobjectСантехніка - Клапани
      • Класифікація IFCValve
      • Код за ETIMEC010122
      • Назва за ETIMPressure reducing valve
      • Код Uniclass 2015Pr_65_54_95_66
      • Опис Uniclass 2015Pressure reducing valves
      • Код CSI MasterFormat 201440 05 67.36
      • Заголовок CSI MasterFormat 2014Pressure-Regulating Valves
      • Номер OmniClass23-27 31 47
      • Заголовок OmniClassPressure Regulating Valves