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Laserline zaworowy

Laserline zaworowy

Laserline zaworowy column radiators are manufactured in the same types and sizes, and support the same features as the Laserline standard radiators. The basic difference is that – in contrast to the Laserline standard radiators – Laserline zaworowy are factory equipped with the valve insert with initial preset. The radiators are to be connected to the hydronic domestic heating system from the bottom, with two connecting stubs with internal diameter G 1/2” and 50 mm spacing (not applicable to the radiators connected via the edge segments). As standard, opposite the valve insert the welded-on cover is positioned, with internal thread G 1/2 ”, for the comfortable G 1/2” air vent mounting, and below – the same cover also with G 1/2” internal thread, for closing plug mounting.

  • Description: decorative column radiator, totally laser- welded. Delta- profiled cross section of the external columns for
    the maximized heat output.
    Height: from 155 mm up to 3000 mm, the height of the selected models matches the connecting stubs' spacing of the
    old- fashioned cast- iron radiators. At Client's wish, each requested height of the radiator can be delivered, in
    the range between 300 mm and 3000 mm, with 1 mm precision

    Length: from 200 mm up to 2500 mm (from 4 up to 50 segments). Depending on the radiators' types and sizes,
    possible integration on one side up to the length of 2000 mm (according to the relevant table). In other cases,
    the radiators are delivered in separate blocks- plugs, connecting nipples and gaskets inclusive- for sassembly
    on the building site; length tolerance: from 0% up to + 1%

    2- columned: 63 mm
    3- columned: 101 mm
    4- columned: 139 mm
    5- columned: 177 mm
    6- columned: 215 mm

    Connection: bottom 2 x G ½" (note: middle connection possible only for radiators with even number of segments and
    overall length up to 30 segments). With order, please provide the information on the connection variant,
    conforming to the relevant option

    Brackets: see: accessories, plug and air vent included with brackets

    Colour: as standard snow- white RAL 9016 varnish, other RAL colours at request

    Operating pressure: 10 bar

    Test pressure: 13 bar

    Max. temperature: 110°C

    Packaging: packed for transport in environmental friendly, edge- protecting packaging, welded in foil.

    Delivery range: radiator delivered without brackets- to be ordered separately, depending on the radiator's type and
    size; factory mounted valve insert with connecting thread M30x1.5 mm.

Технічна специфікація
  • Унікальний номерvogel_noot-laserline_centrally_connected_valve
  • Сімейство продуктівVogel&Noot
  • Група продуктівColumn radiators
  • ТипObject (single object)
  • Дата публікації2018-08-09
  • Номер видання1
  • Матеріал основнийSteel
  • Матеріал допоміжнийSteel
  • Розроблено вPoland
  • Виготовлено вGermany
  • Категорія BIMobjectHVAC - Heaters
  • Класифікація IFCSpace Heater
  • Код Uniclass 2015Pr_70_60_36_73
  • Опис Uniclass 2015Radiators
  • Номер OmniClass23-33 15 21 13
  • Заголовок OmniClassFinned Tube Radiators

Доступність регіону
