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Cork Collection - Wash Basin

Cork Collection - Wash Basin

SIMPLEFORMSDESIGN was founded in the beginning of 2004, as an ongoing project of two designers: Alzira Peixoto and Carlos Mendonça. Design, innovation, functionality and quality are the driving concepts in the creation and development of every new collection and every new product. In SimpleFormsDesign past and future, craftsmanship and cutting-edge technology, tradition and modern design walk side by side, creating unique pieces capable of making a difference on their own. The resulting products are carefully conceived articles that blend into the contemporary environment, in many cases, rehabilitating methods of production that had fallen into decline. The CORK Collection incorporate Portuguese traditional materials in bold new design creations, bathroom oriented cork objects comprise this collection: wash basins, soap trays, storages and bath mats. Despite being such a traditional material, cork is employed in a very innovative and unexpected way. The choice of this material is by itself a major innovation.
Технічна специфікація
  • Унікальний номер210101
  • Сімейство продуктівCORK - Washbasins
  • Група продуктівBath
  • ТипObject (single object)
  • Дата публікації2012-03-21
  • Номер видання1
  • Висота (мм)140
  • Ширина (мм)380
  • Глибина (мм)380
  • Матеріал основнийCork
  • Матеріал допоміжнийRubber
  • Розроблено вPortugal
  • Виготовлено вPortugal
  • Вага нетто (кг)8
  • Категорія BIMobjectSanitary - Умивальники
  • Класифікація IFCFurniture
  • Назва UNSPSCPower Generation and Distribution Machinery and Accessories
  • Код UNSPSC26

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