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Ravago Building Solutions


AVIP Twin is a rubber modified bituminous emulsion that coagulates instantly with catalyst on dual-nozzle spraying application. The application speed, the unrestricted film thickness that we can create and the use of the material even in wet conditions, classify AVIP
Twin in the high-tech products. The adhesion to all materials is excellent and retains its elasticity (> 1150%) even at temperatures below -20°C.
Intended for high waterproofing requirements and specifications such as foundations and basement walls of high depth with a high-water table, bridges, tunnels, reservoirs, aquifer protection from landfills, cover cut etc., with very high application speed that can lead to an output of even 1.000m2/day.

Component A: Modified Bituminous Emulsion
Component B: Catalyst

  • Description: Rapid Setting Elastomeric Waterproofing Membrane With Catalyst

    Color: Comp.A: Dark Brown, Comp.B: Transparent

    Odor: Odorless

    pH: ~7 (25oC)

    Crack bridging ability (EN 1062-7):  - Class A5,  No failure was registered at 2.5mm width of crack

    Water resistance (EN 15817): No change in water color occurred

    No separation of layers occurred

    Flexibility at low temperature (EN 15813): No cracking

    Dimensional stability at high temperature (EN 15818): No decline nor scattering caused by flow occurred

    Resistance to compression (EN 15815): 46,4%

    Elongation (ASTM 412): > 1150%

    Tensile strength (ASTM 412): 0.35 N/mm2

    Density: 1,01-1,07 g/l

    Spray mix ratio (Part A:Part B): 5:1

Технічна специфікація
  • Унікальний номерRAVAPROOF-AVIP-TWIN
  • ТипBuilding Material
  • Дата публікації2024-10-16
  • Номер видання1
  • Матеріал основнийBitumen
  • Матеріал допоміжнийBitumen
  • Розроблено вGreece
  • Виготовлено вGreece
  • Категорія BIMobjectБудівельні матеріали - Waterproofing & Membranes