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ASTER small - ceiling recessed
ASTER small - ceiling recessed
ASTER small - ceiling recessed
ASTER small - ceiling recessed
ASTER small - ceiling recessed
ASTER small - ceiling recessed

    ASTER small - ceiling recessed

    A ceiling recessed luminaire specifically designed to withstand severe outdoor environmental conditions thanks to its IP65 protection rating on the entire product (both front and back). The possibility of using a remote power supply allows the product to be extremely versatile thanks to the multiple settings of output current. The optics have been specifically designed for a downlight use and allow various declinations: from a narrow to an asymmetrical beam. The product is also available with RGBW LEDs. Available in three sizes - small, medium and large - Aster is introduced in the Basic version with 220-240V line voltage LED and Professional with remote dimmable power supply units, either ON/OFF adjustable on different output currents and dimmable.

    • Die-cast body and closing ring made of aluminium alloy with very low copper content, which then undergo a galvanic anodizing treatment into different phases: sandblasting, surface degreasing, anodic oxidation and finally fixing. Subsequently the product is painted by a double coating in-line process (epoxy-based primer plus polyester-based dye), which allows the creation of a single thick protective layer acting as a barrier against atmospheric agents and UV rays. This, in addition to the previous anodic oxidation, allows to achieve a corrosion resistance performance, tested in spray salt chamber, far superior to the market average standards. Available with line voltage LED or with remote power supply unit.

    Технічна специфікація
    • Унікальний номерaster_small
    • Сімейство продуктівASTER Collection
    • Група продуктівASTER small
    • ТипObject (single object)
    • Дата публікації2021-01-22
    • Номер видання1
    • Матеріал основнийAluminium
    • Розроблено вItaly
    • Виготовлено вItaly
    • Категорія BIMobjectОсвітлення - Зовнішнє обладнання

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