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Highlander® AR Architectural Shingle
Malarkey Roofing Products

Highlander® AR Architectural Shingle

Our Most Economical

Designed in the popular architectural style, and made with our industry-leading NEX® Rubberized Asphalt, Highlander® AR (algae resistant) shingles deliver all-weather resilience, a Class 3 hail impact rating, and include granules that reduce algae streaks and help clean the air of emission pollutants.

Best in Class

Highlander® is the industry’s first and only entry-level shingle to be constructed of polymer modified (rubberized) asphalt, opening the benefits of this superior shingle-making technology to all budgets.

Highlander® shingles are Class 3 rated for impact (second highest rating possible).

  • Technical Specs

    Length: 38-7/8″
    Width: 13-1/4″
    Exposure: 5-5/8″
    Nailing Area: 1-5/16″
    Laminate Bonds: 3
    Rain Seals: 2
    Wind Seals: 1

    Testing Compliance

    ASTM D7158 Class H
    ASTM D3462
    ASTM D3161 Class F
    ASTM D3018 Type I
    ASTM E108 Class A Fire Rating
    CSA A123.5
    FBC Approval – FL36890
    UL 2218 Class 3
    ICC Approval – ESR-3150
    ICC-ES AC438

    Shipping Specifications

    SKU: 242
    Package Color: Grey/Green/White
    Bundles/SQ: 3
    Shingles/SQ: 66
    SQ/Pallet: 16
    SQ/Truckload: 208

Технічна специфікація
  • Унікальний номерhighlander-ar-architectural-shingle
  • Сімейство продуктівShingles
  • Група продуктівHighlander®
  • ТипObject (single object)
  • Дата публікації2025-03-03
  • Номер видання1
  • Розроблено вUnited States
  • Виготовлено вUnited States
  • Категорія BIMobjectБудівництво - Дах
  • Класифікація IFCRoof
  • Код за ETIMEC011784
  • Назва за ETIMBituminous roof shingle
  • Код Uniclass 2015Pr_25_93_72_08
  • Опис Uniclass 2015Bitumen membrane shingles
  • Код CSI MasterFormat 201407 31 13
  • Заголовок CSI MasterFormat 2014Asphalt Shingles
  • Номер OmniClass23-13 39 15
  • Заголовок OmniClassRoof Shingles

Доступність регіону

Північна Америка
United States

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