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QS Sensor Module, Wired and Wireless Inputs, 434 MHz - North America
Lutron Electronics

QS Sensor Module, Wired and Wireless Inputs, 434 MHz - North America

The QS Sensor Module (QSM) integrates Lutron® wireless and wired sensors and controls through the QS communication link to Energi Savr Node™ units, GRAFIK Eye® QS, Quantum®, and Sivoia® QS shades and draperies.

  • Uses Clear Connect™ RF Technology for communication with Radio Powr Savr™ occupancy sensors, Radio Powr Savr daylight sensors, and Pico® wireless controllers
  • Connects to four Lutron wired sensors or controls—occupancy sensors, daylight sensors, EcoSystem® infrared (IR) receivers, or EcoSystem wallstations
  • Powered by the QS link—no line voltage connections are required
  • Compatible with the entire Energi Savr Node (ESN) product family
  • Compatible with GRAFIK Eye QS
  • Compatible with Sivoia QS shades and draperies
  • Type Sensor Control
    Environment Indoor
    Height 1.1875"
    Voltage 24 V
    Width 4.0625"

Технічна специфікація
  • Унікальний номерlutron-qsm2
  • Сімейство продуктівBuilding Controls
  • Група продуктівQSM
  • ТипObject (single object)
  • Дата публікації2010-12-22
  • Номер видання1
  • Розроблено вUnited States
  • Категорія BIMobjectЕлектричні - Controls

Доступність регіону

Північна Америка
United States