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K-596 Simplice® single-hole or three-hole kitchen sink faucet with 16-5/8" pull-down spout, DockNetik(R) magnetic docking system, and a 3-function sprayhead featuring Sweep(R) spray
K-596 Simplice® single-hole or three-hole kitchen sink faucet with 16-5/8" pull-down spout, DockNetik(R) magnetic docking system, and a 3-function sprayhead featuring Sweep(R) spray
K-596 Simplice® single-hole or three-hole kitchen sink faucet with 16-5/8" pull-down spout, DockNetik(R) magnetic docking system, and a 3-function sprayhead featuring Sweep(R) spray

    K-596 Simplice® single-hole or three-hole kitchen sink faucet with 16-5/8" pull-down spout, DockNetik(R) magnetic docking system, and a 3-function sprayhead featuring Sweep(R) spray

    An innovative fit for a variety of kitchens and tasks, this Simplice kitchen faucet combines an elegant, universal design with exceptional ergonomics and functionality. The high-arch swing spout rotates 360 degrees, while the smoothly maneuvering sprayhead pulls down into the sink for up-close tasks, or out of the sink to fill pots. Sculpted buttons on the sprayhead ensure simple operation even with wet, soapy hands. Sweep spray creates a wide, forceful blade of water for superior cleaning. Kohler's new docking system, DockNetik, secures the pull-down sprayhead to the spout using magnetic force.


    • Single handle is simple to use and makes adjusting water temperature easy.
    • High-arch gooseneck spout and 360-degree spout rotation offer superior clearance for filling pots and cleaning.
    • Three-function pull-down sprayhead with touch-control allows you to switch from stream to Sweep spray to pause.
    • Sweep spray features specially angled nozzles that form a wide, powerful blade of water to sweep your dishes and sink clean.
    • DockNetik, a magnetic docking system located within the spout, smoothly glides and securely locks the sprayhead into place.
    • ProMotion® technology's light, quiet nylon hose and ball joint make the pull-down sprayhead easier and more comfortable to use.
    • MasterClean™ sprayface features an easy-to-clean surface that withstands mineral buildup.
    • Temperature memory allows faucet to be turned on and off at the temperature set during prior usage.
    • Ceramic disc valves exceed industry longevity standards, ensuring durable performance for life.
    • 1.8 gpm (gallons per minute) maximum flow rate at 60 psi.


    • Premium metal construction.
    • KOHLER finishes resist corrosion and tarnishing.


    • Single-hole or three-hole installation (escutcheon included).
    • Flexible supply lines and installation ring simplify installation.

    Water Conservation & Rebates

    • This product meets water savings requirements for California Energy Commission (CEC), CALGreen, and Colorado SB 14-103.
    Технічна специфікація
    • Унікальний номерKohler-K-596
    • Сімейство продуктівMixing Faucets
    • Група продуктівSimplice®
    • ТипObject (single object)
    • Дата публікації2018-06-18
    • Номер видання1
    • Висота (у дюймах)16.63
    • Ширина (у дюймах)10.5
    • Матеріал основнийMetal
    • Розроблено вUnited States
    • Виготовлено вUnited States
    • Категорія BIMobjectКухня - Taps & Mixers
    • Код Uniclass 2015Pr_40_20_87_84
    • Опис Uniclass 2015Sink taps
    • Код CSI MasterFormat 201422 41 39
    • Заголовок CSI MasterFormat 2014Residential Faucets, Supplies, and Trim
    • Номер OmniClass23-31 11 00
    • Заголовок OmniClassFaucets

    Доступність регіону

    Північна Америка
    United States