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DoorKing 6100 Dual Swing Gate Opener

DoorKing 6100 Dual Swing Gate Opener

DoorKing 6100 Dual Swing Gate Opener

The Model 6100 operators are designed to operate vehicular swing gates in residential and commercial applications. These operators are designed so that they can be either pad or post mounted without any costly and time consuming field modifications. You need to specify which mounting method when ordering. The unique design of these operators allows the gate arm to be attached to the bottom rail of the gate. This eliminates the need for any brackets to be welded to the face of the gate and creates an aesthetically pleasing installation.

Self-adjusting, no maintenance magnetic limits.
Overlap feature for dual swing gate operation.
Designed with a built-in primary and secondary entrapment prevention system.
Ports for plug-in loop detectors.
Fail-safe release.
Tamper detect circuit.
Gate tracker reporting output.
Programming switches.
Built-in reset switch.
Built-in power On/Off switch.

As Featured on Amazon.com

  • Model 6100

    Pad Mount

    Maximum gate width 14-feet.
    Maximum gate weight 500 pounds*.  (*Assumes gate swings level and is in good condition with properly adjusted hardware. Other external factors may affect the performance of the gate operator.)
    Swings gate 90 degrees in approximately 10-seconds.
    1/2 HP continuous-duty motor.
    115 VAC, 5.4 Amps.
    Class I and Class II applications.
    Compliant with UL 325 and 991. ETL listed. (Note: To be compliant with UL 325 and industry safety guidelines, additional secondary entrapment protection devices may need to be installed with this gate operator. Your professional DKS system installer can provide you with more details on these devices and on current industry safety standards.)
    Dimensions (operator only): 13.5"W x 11"H* x 23"D (**27.75"D with convenience open option)  (* Height of operator only. Actual height above ground is determined by which mounting method is used)

Технічна специфікація
  • Унікальний номерDoorKing-6100-Dual-Swing-Gate-Opener
  • Сімейство продуктівAccess Control
  • Група продуктівVehicular Gate Operators
  • ТипObject (single object)
  • Дата публікації2019-02-04
  • Номер видання1
  • Висота (у дюймах)11
  • Ширина (у дюймах)13.5
  • Глибина (у дюймах)23
  • Матеріал основнийGalvanized steel
  • Розроблено вUnited States
  • Категорія BIMobjectEngineering & Infrastructure - Road Accessories
  • Назва UNSPSCSecurity or access control systems
  • Код UNSPSC46171619
  • Код CSI MasterFormat 201401 55 00
  • Заголовок CSI MasterFormat 2014Vehicular Access and Parking
  • Номер OmniClass23-29 13 00
  • Заголовок OmniClassSecurity Access Controls

Доступність регіону

Північна Америка
United States