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    DAKU EXTENSIVE PITCHED is a system designed for pitched rooftops or for those with complex geometrical shapes, while maintaining the same characteristics and performances of a flat roof. The system can be installed on rooftops with a maximum sloping of 35°. Depending on the climatic conditions, it might be necessary to include an irrigation mechanism. In order to properly design the anchoring elements and the perimetral barriers, pitched rooftop gardens require an extensive analysis of the surfaces. Roofs with long slopes might require the installation of additional breakers. Accessibility and safety are common problems for pitched roofs, meaning that it is extremely important to reduce the need for maintenance. This aspect must be considered during the design of the garden. DAKU EXTENSIVE PITCHED systems comply with the UNI 11235/2015 standards and respect their parameters of efficiency and sustainability.
    • This is an agreement for the realization of the DAKU EXTENSIVE PITCHED system, with a vegetal substrate made of Sedum and in compliance with the prescriptions of the UNI 11235/2015 standards. The system, installed on a waterproof anti-rooting substrate, must meet the following requirement regarding efficiency and sustainability: -To have a thickness (without vegetation) not superior to 16 cm. -To have a weight for the saturated system (without vegetation) not superior to 103 kg/m2 -To have an air volume not inferior to 49,5 l/m2 -To have a total amount of retained water not inferior to 46,5 l/m2 -To have an amount of water retained by porous media not inferior to 35,5 l/m2 -To have a total amount of usable water not inferior to 38,5 l/m2 -To have a usability ratio not inferior to 0,83 -To have an efficiency ratio not inferior to 0,71 -To have an outflow coefficient (in compliance with UNI 11235/2015 - FLL test) not superior to 0,51 The DAKU EXTENSIVE PITCHED system is composed of: - DAKU FSD 20: it is the fundamental basis and engine package. It is a component made of prefabricated sintered expanded polystyrene, which performs a threefold function of protection, drainage and water storage. It has a gross mass of 25 kg/m3, a thickness of 82 mm and a hydric storage capacity of 13.1 l/m2. The horizontal drainage capacity at 20 kPa (i=0.01) is not inferior to 1.44 l/m2. The vertical drainage capacity is not inferior to 0.73 l/m2. The air volume of the system when fully saturated is of 21.5 l/m2. - DAKU STABILFILTER SFE: it is a geotextile stabilizer in polypropylene with filtering capabilities. It has a thickness of 1.35 mm (at 2k Pa) and weights 220 g/m2 (+/-10%). The filtering speed is of 85 mm/s (-30%), with the maximum pore openness of 0.08 mm (+/-30%). - DAKU GRID 4: it is a cellular confinement grid, which supports and links the surface. It is made of polypropylene and has a tridimensional bi-oriented structure. Each cell is quadrangular, 40x27 mm wide. - DAKU GEO 75: it is a retainment cell made of polyethylene, with a tridimensional ovoidal shape. It has a height of 75 mm and an internal diameter of 30 mm. - DAKU ROOF SOIL 2: is a substrate mainly composed of volcanic material (lapillus, pumice stone) and organic matter (DAKU KOMPOST). Its granulometry respects the levels established by the UNI 11235/2015 standards and its dry volumetric mass has a value between 650 e 750 kg/m3. The substrate weight, when saturated, is lower than 1.072 kg/m3. The PH levels are between 7/8 and the CEC is not lower than 16.3 m2/100g. The water retention capability is not inferior to 40% and the usable water is never less than 30%. The substrate thickness is of 8 cm. - DAKU PLUS E: it is a fertilizer, in the form of granules, which gradually releases the nutritive substances. It has a concentration of 8 g/m2 for each centimeter of the substrate. In the fertilizer there is a 14% percentage of nitrogen, a 13% percentage of phosphorous pentoxide (soluble) and a 12% percentage of potassium oxide. - DAKU SEDUM TALEA: it is a vegetal substrate composed of perennial grasses. the mixture includes different species of Sedum with different length and size. The minimum density is of 80 g/ m2. - STABILIZATION SUBSTRATE: it is a perimetral substrate (50 cm wide) for drainage and protection made of gravel with a granulometry of 20 - 30 mm. The thickness is equal to the one of the stabilized substrates. Depending on the geo-morphological and climatic conditions it may be necessary to equip the system with an irrigation mechanism. All DAKU products comply with the UNI 11235/2015 standards. The sustainability and efficiency certification of the system will be granted only if the guidelines provided by DAKU Srl regarding materials and installation procedures will be respected.
    Технічна специфікація
    • Унікальний номерestensivo_inclinato
    • Сімейство продуктівSystems
    • Група продуктівDaku Extensive
    • ТипObject (single object)
    • Дата публікації2020-11-10
    • Номер видання1
    • Висота (мм)160
    • Розроблено вItaly
    • Виготовлено вItaly
    • Вага нетто (кг)103
    • Категорія BIMobjectБудівництво - Дах
    • Код Uniclass 2015Ss_45_40_47_28
    • Опис Uniclass 2015Extensive green roof systems
    • Код CSI UniFormat IIB1020
    • Заголовок CSI UniFormat IIRoof Construction

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